Searching A status for Teddy Day ? Yes you are at the right place i have listed some of the best Teddy day status for you . Impress Your loved ones with these lovable Teddy day status and quotes .
Best Teddy Day Facebook Status 2012 |Top Teddy Day Google Plus 2012 | Top Teddy Day Facebook quotes.
Ø Teddy bears don't need hearts as they are already stuffed with love.
Best Teddy Day Facebook Status 2012 |Top Teddy Day Google Plus 2012 | Top Teddy Day Facebook quotes.
Ø Teddy bears don't need hearts as they are already stuffed with love.
Ø A Teddy bear is a faithful friend You can pick him up at either end, And he's always there when you need him most.
Ø Teddy Bears shouldn't sit in closets when there's a child around who will love them.
Ø Love me, Love my Teddy Bear.
Ø A teddy bear is your childhood wrapped up in faded yellow fur, and as such, he commands affection long after he is out grown.
Ø It takes a lot of loving to turn a shop bear into a friend .
Ø In a world where everyone seems to be larger and louder than yourself, it is very comforting to have a small, quiet companion .
Ø Everything in life I share, except of course my teddy bear.
Ø Teddy Bears shouldn't sit in closets when there's a child around who will love them.
Ø Softness Represent Love and Teddy Represent Softness. I wish you Happy Teddy Day.
Ø The world of the teddy bear is an innocent one, a world that gives delight and hurts not, a world that appeals to all generations and all nationalities.
Ø Love me Love my Teddy Bear. happy Teddy Day.
Ø Bears sleep by day. At night they stay awake to chase away bad dreams.
Ø Promises are only as good as the giant teddy bears they are built upon.
Ø It takes a lot of loving to turn a shop bear into a friend.
Ø Without you... I was like a bird without wings, a chocolate without sweetness, a sky without cloud, a human without heart and a teddy without softness ,Happy Teddy day.
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