Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Get Your Id Cards for Facebook And Google + Quickly

how to get facebook and google + id card
Id cards for social networking sites this was the last thing one could think of . Who knows Its the beginning of the new era . These ID cars include your information of your social networking website , Information for facebook Id Cards would be directly associated and validated by your facebook profile or any other social networking site . While Till now these identification cards are useless , Facebook Connect enables millions of users to connect to websites today and is one of the most popular way of sign up .Who knows the ID cards may be used for payment purposes or any other authentications But till now these Id Cards Are useless .

Facebook Id Cards :
The FB Bureau is handing-out personal identification cards for a limited number of Facebook citizens, interested in alpha testing. Be the first among your friends to pick-up your personal FB identification card and explore the future.
Get Your Id Cards forFacebook Quickly

These Facebook ID would contain information like your real name, username, gender, location, and the date of joining of facebook. In addition to this info the most important and amazing feature of this facebook Id card is that it contains QR code that will send people right to your profile.

For Facebook Id cards visit :The FB Bureau

Google Plus Id Cards :

Hangoutgraphics Website Announced similar concept for Google+ users By which they can easily generate their goggle+ Identification cards .If you want to be a candidate of Google+ ID card,You have to open this website enter your profile ID number, a nickname, and the date of joining of google+ , and the site will do the rest for completing your further details such as getting your location, and gender from your Google+ profile .
Get Your Id Cards for Google + Quickly

For Google+ id cards visit : Hangoutgraphics

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool stuff there mate! I wonder if you can get that using some matte laminated business cards as a prototype, eh?


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